march madness
we are having our own version of march madness around here. the kids and i are DYING to get outside a little! for the last month our schedule has changed a bit. weve been including time for coloring in the morning a few days a week.. half an hour or so. and a little bit of tv time. again, 30 min.. while i prepare lunch. usually backyardigans {always gracyn's request ;)} or barney {korb's personal fave..altho he is coming around to those back yard friends}. everyone else is completely content with long as they have something to snack on :). we just move their high chairs into the living room.. they snack and sing along while i get things done in the kitchen. and then we move back to eat. the point is.. our mornings are pretty full. playing..coloring..reading and then everyone naps. SO.. i was thinking.. after nap and before snack time {330ish - 430ish} would everyone be ok with us playing outside in the afternoons?? only in the back yard, of course. just a little freedom to run. and a little sunshine. i know that our little guy is SO ready to be outside by the time his dada gets home..he barely lets him change his shoes. maybe a little backyard time in the afternoon would help with that. what do you think? id love to hear your thoughts.......
as a side note.. there hasnt been a lot of photography going on during the day around here.. but being outside will definitely = picture taking!
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